Nuitka Release 1.8

Bug Fixes

  • Standalone: Added support for opentelemetry package. Added in 1.7.1 already.

  • Reports: Fix, do not report plugin influence when there are not no-auto-follow in an anti-bloat section. Fixed in 1.7.2 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Add missing usage tag use_pytest for anti-bloat changes that remove pytest related codes. Fixed in 1.7.2 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer jsonschema package. Fixed in 1.7.2 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, our iterdir implementation was crashing in files for packages that don’t actually have a directory for data files to live in. Fixed in 1.7.2 already.

  • Fix, parent package imports could pick the wrong name internally and then collide with sub-packages of that package during collision. Fixed in 1.7.3 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for pymssql package. Fixed in 1.7.3 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for cvxpy package. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing dependencies of lib2to3.refactor. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, data files for lib2to3.pgen were regressed. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing dependency of cairo package. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for new trio package. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for markdown package. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added support to eventlet package. Fixed in 1.7.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for more newer sklearn package. Fixed in 1.7.5 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for more newer skimage package. Fixed in 1.7.5 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for more newer transformers package. Fixed in 1.7.5 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for torch_scatter package. Fixed in 1.7.6 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing DLL for wx.html2 to work well on Windows. Fixed in 1.7.6 already.

  • Fix, the @pyqtSlot decoration could crash the compilation and was effective even if no pyqt plugin was active. Fixed in 1.7.6 already.

  • Python3.11: Fix, need to support BaseExceptionGroup for code generation too, otherwise the exceptiongroup backport was not working. Fixed in 1.7.7 already.

  • MSYS2: Fix usage of deprecated sysconfig variable with mingw. After their switch to Python 3.11, it is no longer available. Fixed in 1.7.7 already.

  • Distutils: Do not compile empty directories found in package scan as namespaces. Fixed in 1.7.7 already.

  • Python3.7+: Fix, need to follow dict internal structure more correctly, otherwise we over-allocate and copy more data than necessary. Fixed in 1.7.7 already.

  • Python3.8: Fix, the new pyqt plugin workaround requires 3.9 or higher and could causes compile time crashes with the @pyqtSlot decorator. Fixed in 1.7.7 already.

  • Modules: Fix, the .pyi file created was using default encoding which can vary and potentially even crash on other systems. Enforcing utf-8 now. Fixed in 1.7.8 already.

  • Fix, only failed relative imports should become package relative. This was giving wrong names for attempts imports in these cases. Mostly only affected dependency caching correctness and reporting at this time. Fixed in 1.7.8 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing metadata dependencies for transformers package. Fixed in 1.7.9 already, but more added for release.

  • Fix, need to ignore folders that cannot be module names in stdlib. Could e.g. crash when encountering folders like .idea which cannot be module names. Fixed in 1.7.9 already.

  • Standalone: Added data files for langchain package. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Fix, forced output paths didn’t work without C11 mode. This mainly affected older MSVC users, with newer MSVC and good enough Windows SDK, it’s not using C++ anymore. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Fix, was using int values for boolean returns, something that was giving warnings with at least older MSVC not in C11 mode. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Fix, failed hard name imports could crash with segfault trying to release their value. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing implicit dependency for xml.sax in stdlib. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Windows: Fix, --mingw64 mode was not working if MSVC was installed, but not acceptable for use. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, onnxruntime had too few DLLs included. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for moviepy. Fixed in 1.7.10 already.

  • Python3.10+: Fix, matching empty sequences was not considering length, leading to incorrect code execution for that case.
    match x:
       case []:
             ... # non-empty sequences matched here
  • UI: Fix, some error outputs didn’t work nicely with progress bars, need to use our own print function that temporarily disables them or else outputs get corrupted.

  • Linux: Sync output for data composer. This is to avoid race conditions that we might have been seeing occasionally.

  • Compatibility: Fix, the sys.flags.optimize value for --python-flag=-OO didn’t match what Python does.

  • Standalone: Fix, packages have no __file__ if imported from frozen, these was causing issues for some packages that scan all modules and expect those to be there.

  • Fix, the dict built-in could crash if its argument self-destructs during usage.

  • Fix, the PySide2/PySide6 workaround for connecting compiled class methods without crashing were not handling its optional type argument.

  • Enhanced non-commercial PySide2 support by adding yet another class to be hooked. This was ironically contributed by a commercial user.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer delvewheel version as used in newest scipy and probably more packages in the future.

  • Compatibility: The pkgutil.iter_modules function now works without importing the module first. The makes Faker work on Windows as well.

  • Reports: Detect top level packages even with broken packaging. Some packages will not reveal through installed files or top level what package they are for, and as a result, they cannot be uninstalled, but we need to still be able guess what package they are responsible for, so we go by their PyPI name, which works for tensorflow.

  • Compatibility: More robust way of allowing iteration of compiled packages via file path. Rather than pre-populating the cache, we should provide the hook function to check if we are responsible for a given path. With this, the Faker package works on Windows as well now, and probably other packages benefit too. This then works on paths rather than strings, which due to short paths, etc. can be non-unique on Windows easily.

  • Standalone: Added support for the opencc package.

  • Compatibility: Fix, import name resolving done for things like six and others should be done as soon as possible, and not just during optimization, or else some imports can become just wrong as a result.

  • Python3.11: Added support for the new closure keyword only argument in exec built-in.

  • Standalone: Added support for pythonnet on Linux as well.

  • Debian: Fix, do not give false alarms for root pip installed packages, they get a similar path component, but are not actually Debian packages of course, this was mostly affecting builds inside containers of course.

  • Compatibility: Added support for comparing results from our resource reader file interfaces. This is needed for when people want to e.g. sort the the file list.

  • Python3.6+: Fix, didn’t catch await on module level as a syntax error.

  • Compatibility: Added support for joblib with loky backend as well.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer chromadb adding missing dependencies and data files.

  • Python3.9+: Fix, importlib.resources.files() was not fully compatible Need to provide basename for .name attribute rather than an absolute path. And in some cases, a leading trailing slashes was produced for the full path, which caused trouble for file iteration of filenames.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer importlib_resources as well. We now need to expose the files functionality even before Python 3.9 for this to be possible.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer rapidfuzz package.

  • Added support for newer PyOpenGL package.

New Features

  • Plugins: Added support to specify embedding of metadata for given packages via the package configuration. With this, entry points, version, etc. can even be resolved if not currently possible at compile time to so through the code with static optimization. Added in 1.7.1 already.

    - module-name: 'opentelemetry.propagate'
          - 'opentelemetry-api'
  • Distutils: Add PEP 660 editable install support. With this pdm can be used for building wheels with Nuitka compilation. Added in 1.7.8 already.

  • Haiku: Added support for accelerated mode, standalone will need more work, also recognize its form of the site-packages folder, named vendor-packages.

  • Disable misleading initial import exception handling in numpy, all what it says detracts only.

  • Added python flags given for no_asserts, no_docstrings and no_annotations to the __compiled__ attribute values of modules and functions to fully expose the information.

  • Watch: Added capability to specify what nuitka binary to use in nuitka-watch so we can use enhanced nuitka-watch from develop branch with older versions of Nuitka with no issues.

  • Watch: Now evaluates the minimum version needed for Nuitka, and skips test cases, allowing nuitka-watch to be run with versions that do not yet handle cases that e.g. develop already can, i.e. next Nuitka version.

  • Watch: Now evaluates if a compilation with Nuitka needs to be done at all, as it’s only necessary if the PyPI config changed, or if Nuitka version changed.

  • Reports: Added source path for modules, so it’s easier to tell where something came from, and esp. in case of bugs in the import location of Nuitka.

  • Reports: In case of a crash, always write report file for use in bug reporting. This is now done even if no report was asked for.

  • Reports: Include error exit message from Nuitka in case of explicit exits.

  • UI: Added new --deployment and --no-deployment-flag that disables certain debugging helpers. Right now, we use this to control a hook that prevents execution of itself with -c which is used by e.g. joblib and that potentially can turns Nuitka created programs into a fork bombs, when they use sys.executable<span> -c<span> .... This can be disabled with --no-deployment-flag=self-execution or --deployment. The plan is to expand this to cover FileNotFoundError and similar exception exits pointing to compilation issues with helpful more annotations.

  • Catch attempts to exec compiled function bytecodes. This segfaults otherwise with at least Python3.11 and is probably a good idea to catch for all versions, as it doesn’t do anything.

  • Windows: Remove unnecessary .\ in CMD files generated, these will otherwise show up in sys.argv[0] too, making them more ugly than necessary.

  • Scons: Also respect CFLAGS setting. It’s rarely used, but for completeness sake we should have that too. The effects are the same as CCFLAGS it seems.


  • Added type shape for built-in hash operation, these must indeed be of int type either way.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using unittest in future and multiprocessing package. Added in 1.7.3 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using unittest in git package. Added in 1.7.3 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython in streamlit package.
  • Standalone: Make transformers work with no_docstrings mode. Added in 1.7.7 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid more IPython usage in transformers package.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using pytest in polyfactory package.
  • Anti-Bloat: Expand the list of modules that are in the unittest group by the ones Python provides itself,, test.test_support and, so the culprits are more easily recognizable.
  • Anti-Bloat: Treat ipykernel and jupyter_client as equal to IPython for usage, so the bloat warning about IPython becomes more meaningful in that case too.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using IPython in plumbum package.
  • Statically optimize the value of sys.byteorder as well.
  • Anti-Bloat: Added no-auto-follow for tornado in joblib package. The user is informed of that happening if nothing else imports tornado in case he wants to enable it.
  • Standalone: Avoid including standard library zipapp or calendar automatically and remove their runners through anti-bloat configuration. This got rid of argparse for hello world compilation.
  • Standalone: Do not auto include standard library json.tool which is a binary only.
  • Standalone: Avoid automatic inclusion a _json extension module for the json module and do not automatically include it as part of stdlib anymore, this can reduce the size of standalone distributions.
  • Standalone: Avoid the standard library audioop extension module by making all audio related modules non-automatically included.
  • Standalone: Avoid the _contextvars standard library extension module. Explicit and implicit imports of contextvar module will continue to work and hopefully give proper errors until we do ourselves raise such errors.
  • Standalone: Avoid also the “_crypt” standard library extension module, and make the crypt module raise an error where we modify the message to not be as misleading.
  • Standalone: On macOS we also saw _bisect, _opcode and more modules that are optional extension modules, that we no longer do automatically use if they are that way.
  • Standalone: Added more modules like mailbox, grp, etc. to exclusion from standard library when they trigger dependencies on other things, or are an extension themselves.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using sqlalchmy.testing and therefore pytest in sqlalchemy package. Also added that testing package to be treated as using pytest. Added in 1.7.10 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython in distributed package. Added in 1.7.10 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid dask usage in skimage. Added in 1.7.10 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: More changes needed for newer sympy to avoid IPython. Added in 1.7.10 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Enhanced handling of PIL.ImageQt even without the Qt binding plugins being active.
  • Anti-Bloat: Do not automatically follow matplotlib from scipy as that is code that will only be used if other code using it exists too.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid pandas and matplotlib for sklearn package. Availability checks of third party packages should be counted as real usage.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython in newer keras module too.
  • Anti-Bloat: Updated for newer tensorflow package, also using more robust new form of no-auto-follow to achieve that.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using Qt bindings for as it’s only useful if one of our Qt plugins is active.


  • User Manual: Make it clear in the example that renaming created extension modules to change their name does not work, such that the user has to first rename the Python module properly.
  • macOS: Pronounce Homebrew as somewhat support but not recommended due to its limited results for portability.
  • UI: Added mnemonic for unsupported Windows store Python, so we have a place to give more information. Read more on the info page for detailed information.
  • UI: Disable warning for numpy/scipy DLL non-identity conflicts. These are very common unfortunately and known to be harmless.
  • Stop creating PDFs for release. They are not really needed, but cause extra effort that makes no sense.
  • Quality: Updated to latest black which removes some leading new lines in blocks, changing a bunch of files. Bumped development requirements file Python version to 3.8, since black won’t do 3.7 anymore.
  • Quality: Updated to latest PyLint, no changes from that.
  • Quality: Auto-format the markdown files used for GitHub templates as well.
  • Debugging: Catch errors during data composer phase cleaner. Added in 1.7.1 already.
  • Plugins: More clear error messages for Yaml files checker. Added in 1.7.5 already.
  • Release: Avoid DNS lookup by container, these sometimes failed.
  • UI: Catch user error of compiling in module mode with unknown file kinds, it needs to be Python code of course.
  • UI: In case of SyntaxError in main file, always suggest latest supported version. Previous it was toggling between Python2 and Python3, but that’s no longer the main reason this happens.
  • UI: Fix typo in help output for --trademarks option. Added in 1.7.8 already.
  • UI: Fix, need to enforce version information completeness only on Windows, other platforms can be more forgiving. Added in 1.7.8 already.
  • Visual Code: Enable black formatter as default for Python.
  • UI: Disallow --follow-stdlib with --standalone mode. This is now the default, and just generally makes no sense anymore.
  • Plugins: Warn if Qt qml plugins are not included, but qml files are. This has been a trap for first time users for a while now, that now have a way of knowing that they need to enable that Qt plugin feature.
  • Plugins: Enhanced Qt binding plugins selection by the various qt plugins Now can also ask to not include specified plugins with --noinclude-qt-plugins and by now include sensible by default, with the --include-qt-plugins=qml line not replacing it, but rather extending it. That makes it easier to handle and catches a common trap, where users would only specify the missing plugin, but remove required plugins like platform making it stop to work.
  • Plugins: Allow plugins provide None for flags not just by return value length, but also an explicit value, so plugin code can make a difference in a consistent way.
  • UI: Lets have the options-nanny output the failed condition, so it’s more clear what the issue is.
  • Quality: Unified spell checker markers to same form in all files through auto-format for more consistency.
  • Quality: Always avoid attempting to format executables, much like we already do for bytecode, otherwise some attempts on them can crash.
  • Windows: Only change directory to short path during execution of Scons, we are otherwise leaking it to --run execution in tests, giving their output comparison a harder time than necessary.
  • Scons: Use report paths for outputs of filenames in slow compilation messages as well.
  • WinPython: Adapted detection of this flavor to changes made in that project.


  • Major Cleanup, do not treat technical modules special anymore Previously the immediate demotion of standard library to bytecode is not really needed and prevented dependency analysis. We have had plenty issues with that ever since not all stdlib modules were automatic anymore, there was a risk of missing some of them, just because this analysis was not done. Moved the import detection code to a dedicated module cleaning up the size of the standalone mechanics, as it also is not exclusive to it. Adding “reasons” to modules, different from “decision reasons” why something was allowed to be included, these give the technical reason why something is added. This is needed for anti-bloat to be able to ignore stdlib being added only for being frozen. Now we are correctly annotating why an extension module was included, e.g. is it technical or not, that solves a TODO we had. Removes a lot of code duplication for reading source and bytecode of modules and the separate handling of uncompiled modules as a category in the module registry is no more necessary. The detection logic for technical modules itself was apparently not robust and had bugs to be fixed that became visible now, and that make it unclear how it ever worked as well.
  • Refactor towards unification of statement and expression. Make sure Make existing statement operations, i.e. use the function intended for them so they are immediately closer to what expressions do, and don’t visit their own children themselves anymore. Remove checks for expression or statement, we won’t use that anymore, and it’s only costing performance until we merge them.
  • The caching (currently only used when demoting to bytecode), was not keeping track of distributions attempted to be used, but then being not found. That could have led to errors when using the cached result.
  • Again some more spelling fixes in code were identified and fixed.
  • Removed now unused user provided flag from uncompiled module nodes.
  • Removed 3.3 support from test runner as well.
  • Avoid potential slur word from one of the tests.


  • Sometimes the pickle from cached CPython executions cannot be read due to protocol version differences, then of course it’s also not usable.
  • Added CPython311 test suite, but it is not yet completely integrated.
  • Tests: Salvage one test for dateutil from a GSoC 2019 PR, we can use that.


This is massive in terms of new features supported. The deployment mode being added, provides us with a framework to make new user experience with e.g. the missing data files, much more generous and help them by pointing to the right solution.

The technical debt of immediate bytecode demotion being removed, is huge for reliability of Nuitka. We now really only have to deal with actual hidden dependencies in stdlib, and not just ones caused by us trying to exclude parts of it and missing internal dependencies.