Nuitka Release 1.6

This release bumps the much awaited 3.11 support to full level. This means Nuitka is now expected to behave identical to CPython3.11 for the largest part.

There is plenty of new features in Nuitka, e.g. a new testing approach with reproducible compilation reports, support for including the metadata if an distribution, and more.

In terms of bug fixes, it’s also huge, and esp. macOS got a lot of improvements that solve issues with prominent packages in our dependency detection. And then for PySide we found a corruption issue, that got workarounds.

Bug Fixes

  • The new dict in optimization was compile time crashing on code where the dictionary shaped value checked for a key was actually an conditional expression
    # Was crashing
    "value" in some_dict if condition else other_dict

Fixed in 1.5.1 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for openvino. This also required to make sure to keep used DLLs and their dependencies in the same folder. Before they were put on the top level. Fixed in 1.5.1 already.

  • Android: Convert RPATH to RUNPATH such that standalone binaries need no LD_LIBRARY_PATH guidance anymore. Fixed in 1.5.1 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer skimage. Fixed in 1.5.1 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, new data file type .json needed to be added to the list of extensions used for the Qt plugin bindings. Fixed in 1.5.2 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, the nuitka_types_patch module using during startup was released, which can have bad effects. Fixed in 1.5.2 already.

  • Android: More reliable detection of the Android based Python Flavor. Fixed in 1.5.2 already.

  • Standalone: Added data files for pytorch_lightning and lightning_fabric packages. Added in 1.5.2 already.

  • Windows: Fix, the preservation of PATH didn’t work on systems where this could lead to encoding issues due to reading a MBCS value and writing it as a unicode string. We now read and write the environment value as unicode both. Fixed in 1.5.3 already.

  • Plugins: Fix, the scons report values were not available in case of removed --remove-output deleting it before use. It is now read in case if will be used. Fixed in 1.5.3 already.

  • Python3.11: Added support for ExceptionGroup built-in type. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.

  • Anaconda: Fix, using numpy in a virtualenv and not from conda package was crashing. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for setuptools. Due to the anti-bloat work, we didn’t notice that if that was not sufficiently usable, the compiled result was not usable. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.

  • Distutils: Added support for pyproject with src folders. This supports now tool.setuptools.packages.find with a where value with pyproject files, where it typically is used like this:

    where = ["src"]
  • Windows: Fix, the nuitka-run batch file was not working. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.

  • Standalone: Add pymoo implicit dependencies. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • macOS: Avoid deprecated API, this should fix newer Xcode being used. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • Fix, the multiprocessing in spawn mode didn’t handle relative paths that become invalid after process start. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • Fix, spec %CACHE_DIR% was not given the correct folder on non-Windows. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • Fix, special float values like nan and inf didn’t properly generate code for C values. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • Standalone: Add missing DLL for onnxruntime on Linux too. Fixed in 1.5.5 already.

  • UI: Fix, illegal python flags value could enable site mode. by mistake and were not caught. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Windows: Fix, user names with spaces failed with MinGW64 during linking. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Linux: Fix, was not excluding all libraries from glibc, which could cause crashes on newer systems. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Windows: Fix, could still pickup SxS libraries distributed by other software when found in PATH. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Windows: Fix, do not use cache DLL dependencies if one the files listed there went missing. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Onefile: Reject path spec that points to a system folder. We do not want to delete those when cleaning up clearly. Added in 1.5.6 already.

  • Plugins: Fix, the dill-compat was broken by code object changes. Fixed in 1.5.6 already.

  • Standalone: Added workaround for networkx decorator issues. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Added workaround for PySide6 problem with disconnecting signals from methods. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Added workaround for PySide2 problem with disconnecting signals.

  • Fix, need to make sure the yaml package is located absolutely or else case insensitive file systems can confuse things. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, extra scan paths were not considered in caching of module imports, breaking the feature in many cases. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Windows: Fix, avoid system installed appdirs package as it is frequently broken. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: The bytecode cache check needs to handle re-checking relative imports found in the cache better. Otherwise some standard library modules were always recompiled due to apparent import changes. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Nuitka-Python: Fix, do not insist on PYTHONHOME making it to os.environ in order to delete it again. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Nuitka-Python: Allow builtin modules of all names. This is of course what it does. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Nuitka-Python: Ignore empty extension module suffix. Was confusing Nuitka to consider every file an extension module potentially. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Plugins: Properly merge code coming from distinct plugins. The __future__ imports need to be moved to the start. Added in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for opentele package. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer pandas and pyarrow usage. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing implicit dependency for PySide6. Fixed in 1.5.7 already.

  • Fix, the pyi-file parser didn’t handle doc strings, and could be crash for comment contents not conforming to be import statement code. Fixed in 1.5.8 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for pyqtlet2 data files.

  • Python2: Fix, PermissionError doesn’t exist on that version, which could lead to issues with retries for locked files e.g. but was also observed with symlinks.

  • Plugins: Recognize the error given by with upx if a file is already compressed.

  • Fix, so called “fixed” imports were not properly tracking their use, such that they then didn’t show up in reports, and didn’t cause dependencies on the module, which could e.g. impact importlib to not be included even if still being used.

  • Windows: Fix, retries for payload attachment were crashing when maximum number of retries were reached. Using the common code for retries solves that, since that code handles it just fine.

  • Standalone: Added support for the av module.

  • Distutils: Fix, should build from files in build folder rather than source files. This allows tools like versioneer that integrate with setuptools to do their thing, and get the result of that to compilation rather than the original source files.

  • Standalone: Added support for the Equation module.

  • Windows/macOS: Avoid problems with case insensitive file systems. The nuitka.Constants module and nuitka.constants package could collide, so we now avoid that package, there was only what is now nuitka.Serialization in there anyway. Also similar problem with nuitka.utils.Json and json standard library module.

  • Standalone: Added support transformers package.

  • Standalone: Fix for PyQt5 which needs a directory to exist.

  • macOS: Fix, was crashing with PyQt6 in standalone mode when trying to register plugins to non-default path. We now try to skip the need, which also makes it work.

  • Fix, recursion error for complex code that doesn’t happen in ast module, but during conversion of the node tree it gives to our own tree, were not handled, and crashed with RecursionError. This is now also handled, just like the error from ast.

  • Standalone: Added support for sqlfluff.

  • Standalone: Added support for PySide 6.5 on macOS solving DLL dependency issues.

  • Scons: Recognize more ccache outputs properly, their logging changed and provided irrelevant states, and ones not associated so far.

  • Onefile: Fix, could do random exit codes when failing to fork for whatever reason.

  • Standalone: Added support for pysnmp package.

  • Standalone: Added support for torchaudio and tensorflow on macOS. These contain broken DLL dependencies as relative paths, that are apparently ignored by macOS, so we do that too now.

  • Onefile: Use actual rather than guessed standalone binary name for multiprocessing spawns. Without this, a renamed onefile binary, didn’t work.

  • Fix, side effect nodes, that are typically created when an expression raises, were use in optimization contexts, where they do not work.

  • Standalone: Added missing implicit dependency for sentence_transformers package.

  • macOS: Fix, added missing dependency for platform module.

New Features

  • Support for Python 3.11 is finally there. This took very long, because there were way more core changes than with previous releases. Nuitka integrates close to that core, and is as such very affected by this. Also a lot of missed opportunities to improve 3.7 or higher, 3.9 or higher, and 3.10 or higher were implemented right away, as they were discovered on the way. Those had core changes not yet taken advantage of and as a result got faster with Nuitka too.
  • Reports: Added option --report-diffable to make the XML report created with --report become usable for comparison across different machine installations, users compiling, etc. so it can be used to compare versions of Nuitka and versions of packages being compiled for changes. Also avoid short names in reports, and resolve them back to long names, so they become more portable too.
  • Reports: Added option to provide custom data from the user. We use it in out testing to record the pipenv state used with things like --report-user-provided=pipenv-lock-hash=64a5e4 with this data ending up inside of reports, where tools like the new testing tool nuitka-watch can use it to decide if upstream packages changed or not. These are free form, just needs to fit XML rules.
  • Plugins: Added include-pyi-file flag to data-files section. If provided, the .pyi file belonging to a specific module is included. Some packages, e.g. skimage depend at runtime on them. For data file options and configuration, these files are excluded, but this is now the way to force their inclusion. Added in 1.5.1 already.
  • Compatibility: Added support for including distribution metadata with new option --include-distribution-metadata. This allows generic walks over distributions and their entry points to succeed, as well as version checks with the metadata packages that are not compile time optimized.
  • Distutils: Handle extension modules in build tasks. Also recognize if we built it ourselves, in which case we remove it for rebuild. Added in 1.5.7 already.
  • Linux: Detect DLL like filenames that are Python extension modules, and ignore them when listing DLLs of a package with --list-package-dlls option. So far, this was a manual task to figure out actual DLLs. This will of course improve the Yaml package configuration tooling .
  • Onefile: Allow forcing to use no compression for the onefile payload, useful for debugging, to avoid long compression times and for test coverage of the rare case of not compressing if the bootstrap handles that correctly too.
  • Need to resolve symlinks that were used to call the application binary in some places on macOS at least. We therefore implemented the previously experimental and Windows only feature for all platforms.
  • Standalone: Added support including symlinks on non-Windows in standalone distribution, if they still point to a path that is inside the distribution. This can save a bunch of disk space used for some packages that e.g. distribute DLL links on Linux.
  • Onefile: Added support for including symlinks from the standalone distribution as such on non-Windows. Previously they were resolved to complete copies.
  • UI: Respect code suffixes in package data patterns. With this e.g. --include-package-data=package_name:*.py is doing what you say, even if of course, that might not be working.
  • UI: Added option --edit-module-code option. To avoid manually locating code to open it in Visual Code replaced old find-module helper to be a main Nuitka option, where it is more accessible. This also goes beyond it it, such that it resolves standalone file paths to module names to make debugging easier, and that it opens the file right away.
  • Standalone: Added support for handling missing DLLs. Needed for macOS PySide6.5.0 from PyPI, which contains DLL references that are broken. With this feature, we can exclude DLLs that wouldn’t work anyway.


  • Anti-Bloat: Remove IPython usage in huggingface_hub package versions. Added in 1.5.2 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython usage in tokenizers module. Added in 1.5.4 already.
  • Added support for module type as a constant value. We want to add all types we have shapes for to allow better type(x) optimization. This is only the start.
  • Onefile: During payload unpacking the memory mapped data was copied to an input buffer. Removing that avoids memory copying and reduces usage.
  • Onefile: Avoid repeated directory creations. Without it, the bootstrap was creating already existing directories up to the root over and over, making many unnecessary file system checks. Added in 1.5.5 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Remove usage of IPython in trio package. Added in 1.5.6 already.
  • Onefile: Use resource for payload on Win32 rather than overlay. This integrates better with signatures, removing the need to check for original file size. Changed in 1.5.6 already.
  • Onefile: Avoid using zstd input buffer, but using the memory mapped contents directly avoiding to copy uncompressed payload data. Changed in 1.5.6 already.
  • Onefile: Avoid double slashes in expanded onefile temp spec paths, they are just ugly.
  • Anti-Bloat: Remove usage of pytest and IPython for some packages used by newer torch. Added in 1.5.7 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid triton to use setuptools. Added in 1.5.7 already.
  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid pytest in newer networkx package. Added in 1.5.7 already.
  • Prepare optimization for more built-in types with experimental code, but we need to disable it for now as it requires more completeness in code generation to cover them all. We did some, e.g. module type, but many more will be missing still.
  • Prepare optimization of class selection at compile time, by having a helper function rather than a dedicated node. This work is not complete though, and cannot be activated yet.
  • Windows: Cache short path name resolutions. Esp. for reporting, we now do a lot more of these than before, and this avoids they can become too time consuming.
  • Faster constant value handling for float value checks by avoiding module lookups per value.
  • Minimize size for hello world distribution such that no unused extension modules are included, by excluding even more modules and using modules from automatic inclusion of standard library.
  • Anti-Bloat: Catch pytest namespaces py and _pytest sooner, to point to the actual uses more directly.
  • Anti-Bloat: Usage of doctest equals usage of “unittest” so cover it too, to point to the actual uses more directly.
  • Ever more spelling fixes in code and tests were identified and fixed.
  • Make sure side effect nodes indicate properly that they are raising, allowing exceptions to fully bubble up. This should lead to more dead code being recognized as such.


  • GitHub: Added marketplace action designed to cross platform build with Nuitka on GitHub directly. Usable with both standard and commercial Nuitka versions, and pronouncing it as officially supported. Check out out at Nuitka-Action repository.
  • Windows: When MSVC doesn’t have WindowsSDK, just don’t use it, and proceed, to e.g. allow fallback to winlibs gcc.
  • User Manual: The code to update benchmark numbers as giving was actually wrong. Fixed in 1.5.1 already.
  • UI: Make it clear that partially supported versions are considered experimental, not unsupported. Fixed in 1.5.2 already.
  • Plugins: Do not list deprecated plugins with plugin-list, they do not have any effect, but listing them, makes people use them still. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.
  • Plugins: Make sure all plugins have descriptions. Some didn’t have any yet, and sometimes the wording was improved. Fixed in 1.5.4 already.
  • UI: Accept y as a shortcut for yes in prompts. Added in 1.5.5 already.
  • Reports: Make sure the DLL dependencies for Linux are in a stable order. Added in 1.5.6 already.
  • Plugins: Check for latest fixes in PySide6. Added in 1.5.6 already.
  • Windows XP: For Python3.4 make using Python2 scons work again, we cannot have 3.5 or higher there. Added in 1.5.6 already.
  • Quality: Updated to latest PyLint. With Python 3.11 the older one, was not really working, and it was about time. Due to its many changes, we included it in the hotfix, so those can still be done. Changed in 1.5.7 already.
  • Release: Avoid broken requires.txt in source distribution. This apparently breaks poetry. Changed in 1.5.7 already.
  • GitHub: Enhanced issue template for more clarity, esp. to avoid unnecessary options, e.g. using --onefile for issues that show up with --standalone already, to report factory branch issues rather on Discord, and give a quick tip for a likely reproducer if a package fails to import.
  • User Manual: Added instructions on how to add a DLL or executable to a standalone distribution.
  • User Manual: Example paths in the table for path specs, meant for Windows were not properly escaping the backslashes and therefore rendered incorrectly.
  • Visual Code: Python3.11 is now the default configuration for C code editing.
  • Developer Manual: Updated descriptions for adding test suite. While added the Python 3.11 test suite, these instructions were further improved.
  • Debugging: Make it easier to fully deactivate free lists. Now only need to set max size to 0 and the free list will not be used.
  • Debugging: Added more assertions, added corrections to feature disables, check args after function calls for validity, check more types to be as expected.
  • Plugins: Enhanced plugin error messages generally, with --debug exceptions become warning messages with the original exception being raised instead, making debugging during development much easier.
  • UI: Make it clear what not using ccache actually means. Not everybody is familiar with the design of Nuitka there or what the tool can actually do.
  • UI: Do not warn about not found distributions but merely inform of them. Since Nuitka is fully compatible with these, no need to consider those a warning, for some packages they also are given really a lot.
  • UI: Catch user error of wrong cases plugin names This now points out the proper name rather than denying the existence outright. We do not want to accept wrong case names silently.


  • Use proper API for setting PyConfig values during interpreter initialization. There is otherwise always the risk of crashes, should these values change during runtime. Fixed in 1.5.2 already.
  • For our reformulations have a helper function that build release statements for multiple variables at once. This removed a bunch of repetitve code from re-formulations.
  • Move the pyi-file parser code out of the module nodes and to source handling, where it is more closely related.


  • Adding a nuitka-watch tool, which is still experimental and for use with the Nuitka-Watch repository.
  • Refined macOS standalone exceptions further to cover more normal usages of files on that OS and for frameworks that applications typically use from the system.
  • Detect and consider onefile mode if given in project options as well.
  • Was not really applying import check in programs tests. Added in 1.5.6 already.
  • Added coverage of testing the signing of Windows binaries with the commercial plugin.
  • Added coverage of version information to hello world onefile test, so we can use it for Virus tools checks.
  • Added tests to cover PyQt6 and PySide6 plugin availability, we so far only had that for PyQt5, which is of course not relevant, and totally different code anyway.
  • Cleanup distutils tests case to use common test case scanning. We now decide version skips based on names, and had to get away from number suffixes, so they are now in the middle.


The class bodies optimization has made some progress in this release, going to a re-formulation of the metaclass selection, so as to allow its future optimization. We are not yet at “compiled objects”, but this is a promising road. We need to make some optimization improvements for inlining constant value calls, then this can become really important, but by itself these changes do not yield a lot of improvement.

For macOS again a bunch of time was spent to improve and complete the detection of DLL dependencies. More corner cases are covered now and more packages just work fine as a result.

The most important is to become Python3.11 compatible, even if attribute lookups, and other things, and not yet optimized. We will get to that in future releases. For now, compatibility is the first step to take.

For GitHub users, the Nuitka-Action will be interesting. But it’s still in develop. We keep adding missing options of Nuitka for a while it seems, but for most people it should be usable already.

The new nuitka-watch ability, should allow us to detect breaking PyPI releases, that need a new tweak in Nuitka sooner. But it will probably grow in the coming releases to full value only. For now the tool itself is not yet finished.

From here, a few open ends in the CPython 3.11 test suite will have to be addressed, and maybe some of the performance tricks that it now will enable, e.g. with repeated attribute lookups.