Nuitka github 发 issue 指南


Before submitting an Issue, please review the Issue Guidelines.

  • Please check whether the bug was already reported or fixed.

  • Please check out if the develop version of Nuitka works better for you.

    Download source, packages from here where you will also find instructions how to do it via pip or git.

If you want to post a problem/bug, to help us understand and resolve your issue please check that you have provided at least the information below, and discard up to here:

  • Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. as output by this exact command.

    python -m nuitka --version

    If you are not providing the full output. The issue cannot be solved and will be considered invalid. The command outputs more than you think, and we are adding more all the time. We do not want to left guessing or trying things out to reproduce your issue.

  • How did you install Nuitka and Python

    Did you use pip, anaconda, deb, rpm, from source, git clone, then install into a virtualenv or not, this is very important usually and one thing, the above command does not tell us (yet).

  • The specific PyPI names and versions

    It should be taken from this output if there specific packages involved, e.g. numpy, you are expected to shorten this to the relevant ones.

    python -m pip freeze

  • Many times when you get an error from Nuitka, your setup may be special

    Then even a print("hello world") program will not work, please try that and report that error instead. We do not need a report that says "Tensorflow does not work" when nothing actually works for you. You ought to also read the User Manual and check that your setup is actually supported already.

  • Also supply a Short, Self Contained, Correct, Example

    That demonstrates the issue i.e a small piece of code which reproduces the issue and can be run with out any other (or as few as possible) external dependencies. Issues without this may will likely be rejected without much consideration. Often this can be as simple as importing a package, if this is a packaging issue, try that first.

    Pointers to repositories with usage of pipenv are very welcome, archives with examples are too, e.g. if a certain package structure is needed. This must be only source code, binaries are not used ever by us. But beware, that e.g. we cannot click around and stuff. Still do an effort to make the usage obvious. Having a compile script in the repo is perfect.

    But this cannot be much code for non-commercial users, since that causes too much effort. We cannot just compile your code, run it and have it download a control and command center.

  • Provide in your issue the Nuitka options used

    Ideally use the # nuitka-project: options feature in the code, so options and example code go along. Alternatively state the command line.

    Nuitka Options in the code

  • Avoid unnecessary options

    Do not use --onefile if the issue also happens with --standalone. Minimize the use of options as far as you can, please. Do not disable outputs with --quiet and do not disable warnings.

  • Note if this is a regression

    If it used to work in an earlier version of Nuitka, please note what you know about that. Since git bisect is a thing for which we do a lot of error to make it usable, this will help dramatically to isolate the issue.

  • Consider getting commercial support

    Nuitka commercial offers subscriptions and priority support. This will accelerate your problem solution and helps to sustain Nuitka development. Also you then have a chance to provide source code of your project to us, which might simplify things, or pay for time to solve your issues in your environment.

Some things are not welcome, please consider it.

  • Do not post screenshots

    These are not welcome unless absolutely necessary, e.g. because of Qt display problem, instead capture the output of programs, so things are searchable and copy&paste will work. I just plainly don't want to manually copy strings and hope they match.

  • Do not close the issue yourself, we will close things on stable releases

    We close issues only when they are released as a stable version, e.g. in a hotfix or a new release, before that it will be "Done" in planning and go through factory and develop tags to indicate they are solved there.

    Of course, if you find out your issue is invalid, please do close it, and we then attach the invalid tag.

  • Do not report against factory version

    Unless you were asked to test it there, it is frequently very broken, and there is only noise to be had. Telling me about it on Discord would be a better idea.

  • Do not let this template remain part of the issue, it's noise.

Before submitting an Issue, please review the Issue Guidelines.

在发送 Issue 之前先查看 Issue 规范

Please check whether the bug was already reported or fixed.

  • 请检查你的问题是否已经提交过

Please check out if the develop version of Nuitka works better for you.

  • 请检查 develop 版本 的 Nuitka 是否修复了你的问题

    Download source, packages from here where you will also find instructions how to do it via pip or git.

    这里 下载 源码 和 安装包 同时你也可以在这里找到如何用 源码 或者 git 来安装他们的方法


If you want to post a problem/bug, to help us understand and resolve your issue please check that you have provided at least the information below, and discard up to here:

如果你想提交的是一个 问题 / bug, 为了帮助我们更好的理解并解决你的问题, 请检查以下内容 并且在检查完之后 删除 这个指南

Nuitka version, full Python version, flavor, OS, etc. as output by this exact command.

  • Nuitka 版本, 完整的 Python 版本, 架构, 系统

    完整不带修改的 发送以下命令的输出

    python -m nuitka --version

    If you are not providing the full output. The issue cannot be solved and will be considered invalid. The command outputs more than you think, and we are adding more all the time. We do not want to left guessing or trying things out to reproduce your issue.

    如果你没有提供 完整 的输出, 你的 Issue 不能被解决, 并且被标记为 invalid 这个命令输出的内容会比你想要的要多很多, 并且我们也在不断添加新的内容 我们不想去 猜测你的环境 来复现问题

How did you install Nuitka and Python

  • 你是如何安装 Nuitka 和 Python 的

    你是否使用 pip, anaconda, deb, rpm, 从源码安装或者 git 来安装 Nuitka 到一个虚拟环境中 (虚拟环境创建指南请参考 Python标准库 venv 文档 )

    这很重要, 请一定要进行说明, 因为上面的命令暂时还不会输出虚拟环境相关的信息

The specific PyPI names and versions

  • 你所使用的第三方库的名称和版本

    It should be taken from this output if there specific packages involved, e.g. numpy, you are expected to shorten this to the relevant ones.

    这应该是你所使用的第三方库的名称和版本 你应该把下面命令的输出截取出与打包相关的部分

    python -m pip freeze

Many times when you get an error from Nuitka, your setup may be special

  • 很多时候 Nuitka 报错是因为你的环境特殊

    Then even a print("hello world") program will not work, please try that and report that error instead. We do not need a report that says "Tensorflow does not work" when nothing actually works for you. You ought to also read the User Manual and check that your setup is actually supported already.

    所以即使是一个 print("hello world") 的程序也不能运行, 请尝试运行这个程序并且报告错误 当你的环境中什么都不能运行的时候, 我们不需要一个报告说 "Tensorflow 不能运行" 对你来说, 你应该阅读 用户手册 并且检查你的环境是否被支持

Also supply a Short, Self Contained, Correct, Example

  • 同时 提供 简短、完善、正确的示例

    That demonstrates the issue i.e a small piece of code which reproduces the issue and can be run with out any other (or as few as possible) external dependencies. Issues without this may will likely be rejected without much consideration. Often this can be as simple as importing a package, if this is a packaging issue, try that first.

    也就是说 你需要提供一小段可以用于复现问题, 且没有额外依赖(或者仅有少数依赖)的代码 如果没有提供范例, 这个 Issue 大概率会被直接拒绝。 通常这个范例可以是一个简单的导入包的代码 如果这是一个打包问题, 请先尝试这个(?)

Provide in your issue the Nuitka options used

  • 提供你的 Issue 使用的 Nuitka 选项

    Ideally use the # nuitka-project: options feature in the code, so options and example code go along. Alternatively state the command line.

    通常你应该在代码中使用 # nuitka-project: 选项, 同时你也可以直接提供命令行

    Nuitka Options in the code

Avoid unnecessary options

  • 去除不必要的选项

    Do not use --onefile if the issue also happens with --standalone. Minimize the use of options as far as you can, please. Do not disable outputs with --quiet and do not disable warnings.

    不要使用 --onefile 如果这个问题也会发生在 --standalone 时 请尽量减少选项的使用,请。 不要禁用输出 --quiet 和禁用警告

Note if this is a regression

  • 如果这是一个问题

    If it used to work in an earlier version of Nuitka, please note what you know about that. Since git bisect is a thing for which we do a lot of error to make it usable, this will help dramatically to isolate the issue.

    如果你的问题出现在一个较早的 Nuitka 中, 请记住你了解的东西 因为 git bisect 是我们用来做错误的东西,这会让它变得可用,这可以帮助你解决问题

Consider getting commercial support

  • 考虑获取商业支持

    Nuitka commercial offers subscriptions and priority support. This will accelerate your problem solution and helps to sustain Nuitka development. Also you then have a chance to provide source code of your project to us, which might simplify things, or pay for time to solve your issues in your environment.

    Nuitka 商业版 提供了订阅和优先级支持 这会加快问题的解决,并帮助 Nuitka 开发。 还有你可以提供你项目的源代码给我们 这会简化问题,或者直接让我们在你的开发环境中解决问题


Some things are not welcome, please consider it.

Do not post screenshots

  • 不要 在 Issue 中发布截图