通过 setuptoolswheels 使用 nuitka


你也可以使用 lib-not-dr 来帮助你使用 Nuitka

If you have a setup.py, setup.cfg or pyproject.toml driven creation of wheels for your software in place, putting Nuitka to use is extremely easy.

如果你有一个 setup.py, setup.cfgpyproject.toml 驱动的软件创建的 wheels, 使用 Nuitka 非常简单的。

Lets start with the most common setuptools approach, you can - having Nuitka installed of course, simply execute the target bdist_nuitka rather than the bdist_wheel. It takes all the options and allows you to specify some more, that are specific to Nuitka.

让我们用最常见的 setuptools 的方式来说,你可以 - Nuitka 已经安装,只需执行 bdist_nuitka 目标,而不是 bdist_wheel ,。它接受所有的选项,并允许你为 Nuitka 添加更多的选项。

# For setup.py if not you't use other build systems:
   # Data files are to be handled by setuptools and not Nuitka
   package_data={"some_package": ["some_file.txt"]},
   # This is to pass Nuitka options.
      'nuitka': {
         # boolean option, e.g. if you cared for C compilation commands
         '--show-scons': True,
         # options without value, e.g. enforce using Clang
         '--clang': None,
         # options with single values, e.g. enable a plugin of Nuitka
         '--enable-plugin': "pyside2",
         # options with several values, e.g. avoiding including modules
         '--nofollow-import-to' : ["*.tests", "*.distutils"],

# For setup.py with other build systems:
# The tuple nature of the arguments is required by the dark nature of
# "setuptools" and plugins to it, that insist on full compatibility,
# e.g. "setuptools_rust"

   # Data files are to be handled by setuptools and not Nuitka
   package_data={"some_package": ["some_file.txt"]},
   # This is to pass Nuitka options.
      'nuitka': {
         # boolean option, e.g. if you cared for C compilation commands
         '--show-scons': ("setup.py", True),
         # options without value, e.g. enforce using Clang
         '--clang': ("setup.py", None),
         # options with single values, e.g. enable a plugin of Nuitka
         '--enable-plugin': ("setup.py", "pyside2"),
         # options with several values, e.g. avoiding including modules
         '--nofollow-import-to' : ("setup.py", ["*.tests", "*.distutils"]),

If for some reason, you cannot or do not want to change the target, you can add this to your setup.py.


To temporarily disable the compilation, you could remove above line, or edit the value to False by or take its value from an environment variable if you so choose, e.g. bool(os.environ.get("USE_NUITKA",<span> "True")). This is up to you.

Or you could put it in your setup.cfg

build_with_nuitka = True

And last, but not least, Nuitka also supports the new build meta, so when you have a pyproject.toml already, simple replace or add this value:

requires = ["setuptools>=42", "wheel", "nuitka", "toml"]
build-backend = "nuitka.distutils.Build"

# Data files are to be handled by setuptools and not Nuitka
some_package = ['data_file.txt']

# These are not recommended, but they make it obvious to have effect.

# boolean option, e.g. if you cared for C compilation commands, leading
# dashes are omitted
show-scons = true

# options with single values, e.g. enable a plugin of Nuitka
enable-plugin = pyside2

# options with several values, e.g. avoiding including modules, accepts
# list argument.
nofollow-import-to = ["*.tests", "*.distutils"]

For the nuitka requirement above absolute paths like C:\Users\...\Nuitka will also work on Linux, use an absolute path with two leading slashes, e.g. //home/.../Nuitka.


Whatever approach you take, data files in these wheels are not handled by Nuitka at all, but by setuptools. You can however use the data file embedding of Nuitka commercial. In that case you actually would embed the files inside the extension module itself, and not as a file in the wheel.