Nuitka Release 1.7

  • There release is focused on adding plenty of new features in Nuitka, with the new isolated mode for standalone being headliners, but there are beginnings for including functions as not compiled, and really a lot of new anti-bloat new features for improved handling, and improving user interaction.

    • 这个版本主要是在增加一些新的功能,其中独立模式是独立模式的重点,但是还有一些新的反膨胀功能,以及改进用户交互的功能。
  • Also many packages were improved specifically to use less unnecessary stuff, some of which are commonly used. For some things, e.g. avoiding tkinter, this got also down to polishing modules that have GUI plugins to avoid those if another GUI toolkit is used.

    • 另外,许多包都被改进了,特别是使用了一些不必要的东西,其中一些是常用的。对于一些东西,例如避免tkinter,这也下降到了对具有GUI插件的模块进行了优化,以避免在使用其他GUI工具包时使用这些模块。
  • In terms of bug fixes, it’s also a lot, and macOS got again a lot of improvements that solve issues in our dependency detection. But also a long standing corruption for code generation of cell variables of contractions in loops has finally been solved.

    • 修复了很多bug,macOS再次获得了很多改进,解决了我们依赖项检测中的问题。但是,也终于解决了循环中收缩的单元变量的代码生成的长期损坏问题。

Bug Fixes

  • Python3.11: The MSVC compiler for Windows will not work before 14.3 (Visual Studio 2022) if used in conjunction with Python 3.11, point it out to the user an ignore older versions. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

    • Python3.11:如果与Python 3.11一起使用,则Windows的MSVC编译器将在14.3(Visual Studio 2022)之前无法工作,指出给用户并忽略旧版本。已在1.6.1中修复。
  • Standalone: Added support for the pint package. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

    • 独立环境: 添加pint包。已在1.6.1中修复。
  • Standalone: Added missing standard library dependency for statistics. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

    • 独立环境: 添加统计包的标准库依赖。已在1.6.1中修复。
  • Compatibility: Fix, the transformers auto models were copying invalid bytecode from compiled functions. Added workaround to use compiled function .clone() method. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

    • 兼容性: 修复了transformers自动模型复制无效的代码片段。添加了编译函数的 .clone() 方法。已在1.6.1中修复。
  • Compatibility: Added workaround for scipy.optimize.cobyla package. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • Anaconda: Detect Anaconda package from conda install vs. PyPI package from pip install, the specifics should only be applied to those. Adapted our configurations to make the difference. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • Anaconda: Do not search DLLs for newer shapely versions. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • Standalone: Add new implicit dependencies for pycrytodome.ECC module. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • Standalone: Fix tls_client for Linux by not non-Linux DLLs. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • MacOS: When using --macos-app-name, the executable name of a bundle could become wrong and prevent the launch of the program. Now uses the actual executable name. Fixed in 1.6.1 already.

  • Multidist: The docs didn’t properly state the option name to use which is --main and also it didn’t show up in help output. Fixed in 1.6.2 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for polars package. Fixed in 1.6.3 already.

  • Standalone: Added implicit imports for apscheduler triggers. Fixed in 1.6.3 already.

  • Standalone: Add data files to AXML parser packages. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Fix, exec nodes didn’t annotate their exception exit. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added data files for open_clip package. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Standalone: Avoid data files warning with old pendulum package. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added implicit dependencies for faker module. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Added workaround for opentele exception raising trying to look at the exception frame before its raised. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Nuitka-Python: Do not check for unknown built-in modules. Fixed in 1.6.4 already.

  • Scons: Fix, the total ccache file number given could be wrong. Ignored messages were counted still as compiled, leading to larger sum of files than actually there was. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Fix, multiprocessing resource tracker was not properly initialized. On at least macOS this was causing it to work relatively badly, because it could fail to actually use it. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Standalone: Added support for cassandra-driver package. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Onefile: Have Python process suicide when bootstrap surprisingly died, respecting the provided grace time for shutdown. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Plugins: Fix, package versions for at least Ubuntu packages can be broken, such that at least pkg_resources rejects them. Handle that and use fallback to next version detection method. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Onefile: Handle SIGTERM and SIGQUIT just like SIGINT on non-Windows. The Python code with see KeyboardInterrupt for all 3 signals, so it’s easier to implement. Previously onefile would exit without cleanup being performed. Fixed in 1.6.5 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, need to add more implicit dependencies for pydantic because we do no longer include e.g. decimal and uuid automatically.

  • Standalone: Added missing implicit dependencies for fiona package. Added in 1.6.6 already.

  • Standalone: Added missing implicit dependencies for rasterio package. Added in 1.6.6 already.

  • Standalone: Fix, need to add more implicit dependencies for pydantic. Added in 1.6.6 already.

  • Fix, the data composer used a signed value for encoding constant blob sizes, limiting it needlessly to half the size possible.

  • Windows: Avoid dependency on API not available on all versions, specifically Windows 7 didn’t work anymore. With this, symlinks are only resolved where they actually exist, and MinGW64 does it too now.

  • Standalone: Added support for .location attribute for pkg_resources distribution objects.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using dask and numba in the tsfresh package.

  • Fix, outline cell variables must be re-initialized on entry. The code would be crashing for for outlines used in a loop, since the cleanup code for these cell variables would release the cell that was created during containing scope setup.

  • Standalone: Added missing dependency of pygeos package.

  • Standalone: Added sqlalchemy implicit dependency.

  • Standalone: Added data files for mnemonic package.

  • Fix, attribute checks could cause corruption when used on objects that raise exceptions during __getattr__.

  • Python2: Fix, wasn’t making sure instance attribute lookups were actually only done with str attributes.

  • macOS: Fix, need to allow versioned DLL dependency from un-versioned DLLs packaged.

  • Standalone: Added DLLs for rtree package.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer skimage package.

  • Standalone: Added support for newer matplotlib package.

  • Standalone: Fix, our numpy.testing replacement, was lacking a function assert_array_almost_equal used in at least the pytransform3d package.

New Features

  • Added support for --python-flag=isolated mode. In this mode, packages are not expandable via environment variable provided paths and sys.path is emptied which makes imports from the file system not work.

  • The options for forcing outputs were renamed to --force-stdout-spec and force-stderr-spec to force output to files and now work on non-Windows as well. They kind of were before, but e.g. %PROGRAM% was not implemented for all OSes yet.

  • Capturing of all outputs now extends beyond the Python level outputs is now attempting to capture C level outputs as well. These can be traces of Nuitka itself, but also messages from C libraries. On Windows, with MinGW64 this does not work, and it still only captures MinGW64, due to limitations of using different C run-times. With MSVC it works for the compiled program and C, but DLLs can have their own C runtime outputs that are still not caught.

  • Added new spec value %PROGRAM_BASE% which will avoid the suffix .exe or .bin of binaries that %PROGRAM% will still give.

  • Plugins: Added ability to query if a package in an Anaconda package or not, with the new is_conda_package() function in Nuitka package configuration. Added in 1.6.1 already.

  • Plugins: Provide control tags during plugin startup with new interface, such that these become globally visible.

  • Plugins: Allow to give --include-qt-plugins options of Qt binding plugins to be given multiple times. This is for consistency with other options. These now expand the list of plugins rather than replacing it.

  • Added experimental code to include functions decorated in certain ways to be included as bytecode. Prepare the inclusion as source code in a similar fashion. This was used to make example PyQt5 code work properly with timers where it doesn’t normally work, but is still in development before it will be generally useful. For that it reacts to @pyqtSlot decorators.

  • Plugins: Make anti-bloat not warn when bloating modules include their group. This helps when e.g. distributed is going to use dask, then we warn about distributed, but not anymore, when that then uses dask. And that intention to avoid dask is now in the warning given for distributed.

  • Plugins: Added ability to decide module inclusion based on using module name and not only the used name. This will be super useful to make some imports not count per se for inclusion.

  • Plugins: Added new no-auto-follow Yaml configuration for anti-bloat, that makes imports from one module not automatically included. That can make optional import removal much easier.

  • Plugins: Added new function for when clauses, such that it now can be tested if this Python version has a certain built-in name, e.g. when: not has_builtin_module("_socket") will not apply configuration _socket is an extension module rather than built-in. This can be used to avoid unnecessary changes.


  • Optimization: Better hasattr handling. Added ability for generated expression base class to monitor the attribute name for becoming constant and then calling a new abstract method due to auto_compute_handling saying wait_constant:name.

  • Optimization: Added type shapes for setattr and hasattr built-ins as well as the attribute check node for better code generation.

  • Optimization: Added dedicated nodes for importlib.resources.files to allow including the used package automatically.

  • Standalone: Include only platform DLLs for tls_client rather than all DLLs for all platforms. Added in 1.6.1 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid including sympy.testing for sympy package. Added in 1.6.3 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython in transformers package. Added in 1.6.3 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid transformers.testing_util inclusion for transformers package as it will trigger pytest inclusion.

  • Anti-Bloat: Added missing method to our numpy.testing stub, so it can be used with more packages. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid numba usage from parts of pandas. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid pytest usage in patsy more completely. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Standalone: Added data files needed for pycountry package. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid unittest usage in numpy package. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid using pytest in statsmodels package. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid including PIL.ImageQt when no-qt plugin is used. Added in 1.6.4 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython usage in dask. We do not cover bloat with dask allowed well yet, more like this should be added. Added in 1.6.5 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid dask via distributed in fsspec package. Added in 1.6.5 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid IPython in patsy package. Added in 1.6.5 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid setuptools in newer torch as well. Added in 1.6.5 already.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid tkinter inclusion in PIL and matplotlib if another GUI plugin is active. This is using the control tags made available by GUI plugins.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid warning for from unittest import mock imports. These are common, and not considered actual usage of unittest anymore.

  • Anti-Bloat: Avoid pandas usage in tqdm. This uses the new no-auto-follow feature that will enable the optional integration of tqdm if pandas is included by other means only.

  • Anti-Bloat: Better method of avoiding socket in email.utils. With changing the source code to delay the import of socket to the only function using it. Socket is now included only if used elsewhere. These changes however, are only done if _socket if is not a built-in module, because only then they really matters. And using a simple --include-module=socket will restore this. This approach is more robust and less invasive.


  • Added run-inside-nuitka-container for use in CI scripts. With this, dependencies of package building and testing from correct system installation should go away.

  • Release: Add CI container for use with run-inside-nuitka-container to make Debian package releases. This provides a more stable and flexible environment rather than building through ansible maintained environments, since different branches can more easily use different versions, or new features for the container handling.

  • Release: Use upload tokens rather than PyPI password in uploads, and secure the account with 2FA.

  • UI: Avoid duplicate warnings for anti-bloat detected imports. In case of from unittest import mock there were 2 warnings given, for unittest and unittest.mock but that is superfluous.

  • macOS: More beginner friendly version of Apple Python standalone error. They won’t know why it is, and where to get a working Python version, so we explain more and added a download link.

  • Scons: Consider only 5 minutes slow for a module compilation in backend. Many machines are busy or slow by nature, so don’t warn that much.

  • GitHub: Actions no longer work (easily) with Python2, so we removed those and need to test it elsewhere.

  • UI: Output the filename of the XML node dump from --xml as well.

  • UI: Make --edit-module-code work with onefile outputs as well.

  • Debugging: Allow yaml condition traceback to go through in --debug mode, so exception causes are visible.

  • Plugins: Make more clear what is the forbidden module user, such that it is possible to debug it.

  • UI: Inform user about slow linking, and --lto=no choice in case auto was used. This should make this option more obvious for new users that somehow victim of not defaulting to no, but still having a slow link.

  • Debugging: Include PDBs for DLLs in unstripped mode already. Previously this was only done for debug mode, but that’s a bit high of a requirement, and we sometimes need to debug where things do not happen in debug mode.

  • User Manual: Added typical problem with python -m compiled_module execution not working and why that is so.

  • Debian: Do not include PDF files in packages. These are probably not used that much, but they cause issues at times, that are likely not worth the effort.


  • Moved OS error reporting as done in onefile binary to common code for easier reuse in plugins.

  • Moved helper codes for expanding paths and for getting the path to the running executable to file path common code for clearer code structure.

  • Removed x-bits from files that do not need them. For __main__ files, they are not needed, and for some files they were outright wrong.

  • Python3.12: Avoid usage of distutils.utils which were using to disable bytecode compilation for things we expect to not work.

  • Solve TODO and use more modern git command git branch --show-current to detect branch, our CI will have this for sure.

  • In our Yaml configuration prefer the GUI toolkit control tags, e.g. use_pyside6 over the plugin("pyside6") method.


  • Release: Use CI container for linter checks, so different branches can use different versions with less pain involved.

  • macOS: Allow all system library frameworks to be used, not just a few selected ones, there is many of them and they should all exist on every system. Added in 1.6.1 already.

  • Made the pendulum test actually useful to cover new and old pendulum actually working properly.


  • This release really polished anti-bloat to the point where we now have all the tools needed. Also torch in newest version is now working nicely again with it, and a few rough edges of what we did with 1.6 for not including extension modules were removed. This polishing will go on, but has reached really high levels. More and more people are capable of helping with PRs here.

    • 这个版本真的把反膨胀的工作做到了我们现在拥有所有需要的工具的地步。此外,最新版本的火炬现在也可以很好地与它一起使用,我们在1.6中做的一些不包括扩展模块的粗糙边缘也被去除了。这种抛光将继续进行,但已经达到了非常高的水平。越来越多的人有能力在这里提供帮助。
  • The optimization work outside of anti-bloat was really minor, with only the two attribute built-in nodes being worked on, and only hasattr seeing real improvements. However, this was more of a structural thing. The wait_constant technique will not get applied more often, but it also will need a wait_all_constant companion, before we can expect scalability improvements.

    • 除了反膨胀之外,优化工作实际上很小,只有两个内置节点的属性得到了改进,只有hasattr获得了真正的改进。然而,这更多是一个结构性的问题。等待常量技术不会更频繁地应用,但在我们期望获得可伸缩性改进之前,它还需要一个waitallconstant的伴侣。
  • Restoring Windows 7 is important to many people deploying to old systems, and the like.

    • 对于许多部署到旧系统的人来说,恢复Windows 7非常重要。
  • However, in the coming release, we need to attack loop tracing. The only bugs currently remaining are related to wrong tracing of items, and it also is a limitation for hard imports to work. So scalability from doing more of the wait_constant work, and from more clever loop tracing shall be the focus of the 1.8 release.

    • 然而,在即将发布的版本中,我们需要解决循环追踪的问题。目前仅剩下与项目追踪错误相关的错误,这也是硬导入无法正常工作的限制。因此,在1.8版本中,我们将专注于通过更多的等待常量工作和更聪明的循环追踪来提高可伸缩性。